Friday, October 16, 2015

31 Days of 31 Horror Movies for Halloween: Day 16 - A girl walks home alone at night.

Day 16:  A girl walks home alone at night
Via: Netflix
Release Date - 2014

Synopsis: Residents of a worn-down Iranian city encounter a skateboarding vampire (Sheila Vand) who preys on men who disrespect women.

SPOILER ALERT - If you have not seen the movie do not read.

Ok, this is going to sound weird, but this movie was good, not great, but nothing really happens. It's not really a horror movie. I wasn't scared or jumped from anything. It is a love story, but not cheesy like any other sparkly vampire show or movie nowadays. I honestly cannot write much about this, just telling you the characters in the movie tells you all you need to know. There's a drug dealer, a junkie, a whore, a "bad boy", an innocent child and the skateboarding vampire. Acting was great, editing and cinematography was amazing but the plot was weak. Original but weak. I finished the film and wasn't sure how to feel. Like I said, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I would not watch it again, but DO recommend anyone watches it once.

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