Tuesday, October 20, 2015

31 Days of 31 Horror Movies for Halloween: Day 20 - Death Tube

Day 20:  Death Tube
Via: Amazon Prime
Release Date - 2010

Synopsis: Hideaki is kidnapped and he wakes up the next day in his classroom along with his classmates. They are all trapped and held captive by by hooded figures and everyone is forced to play a brutal and violent game or be killed.

SPOILER ALERT - If you have not seen the movie do not read.

I haven't really seen any gory horror films yet, besides Dumplings, that was just more disturbing than gory. Any Asian horror flick will not disappoint in this realm. Welcome, Death Tube.

Death Tube is within the genre of the internet video chat horror flicks like Smiley. Except this one goes further into the world of the taboo and explores the subject matter of live snuff films. This is almost like the first Saw movie combined with the Darknet. Picture a sadist kidnapping his victims, putting them in separate rooms and toying with their lives by making them play games to save each other. That's the plot. Done and done.

The beginning of the film is pointless so we will skip to the games. There are various victims trapped in their own individual rooms. They can communicate with each other via their webcams. They can see each other and have all been presented with different tasks to complete. If they all complete their challenges within their respective time frames, their lives will be spared. As each one completes a task, the timer begins to wind down. One player down. The story keeps going until all players make it to the unexpected second round where they are all put against each other in yet more challenges. The whole film is just disturbing and awkward in a good way. For God's sake, did you see the picture above?

No factors were terrible. The real kicker is the ending. The unexpected comes to be the final "a-ha!" moment. If you've seen any Japanese movies or television then the crazy acting and over-the-top characters will not surprise you. It's a dark film with a dark nature but entertaining because it doesn't try to be anything else but a weird snuff oriented movie. Humorous at times and annoying at others.

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