Wednesday, October 7, 2015

31 Days of 31 Horror Movies for Halloween: Day 7 - ABC's of Death 2

Day 7: ABC's of Death 2
Via: Netflix
Release Date - 2014

Synopsis: Twenty-six filmmakers from around the globe helm stories that detail 26 ways to meet your maker, each one corresponding to a different letter of the alphabet.

SPOILER ALERT - No plots given, only my like and dislike.

A friend of mine sent me a link with 14 great horror movies to watch on Netflix, so I decided to take a gander at ABC's of Death 2. I'll eventually watch the first one tomorrow.

Ok, so I'll start out by saying that unlike my other posts, I will not give away the plot on any of these.
ABC's of Death 2 has 26 plots so short in length, that it is better to watch them all for yourself or find them on Youtube.

So I have just put stars next to the ones I liked and loved. This isn't a terrible collection. Not as good as the VHS series, but still very creative.


**A is for Amateur - funny, great beginning to the whole film.
B is for Badger - meh, kind of funny. Good gore.
*C is for Capital Punishment - Not bad plot, great gore.
**D is for Deloused - Awesome. Creepy and reminds me of early Tool videos.
*E is for Equilibrium - Humorous ending and plot.
F is for Falling - Meh. Story is a bit weak.
G is for Grandad - This one is just disturbing because of the actors used. Not very good though.
*H is for Head Games - Pretty entertaining animation piece.
I is for Invincible - A bit too cheesy with the killing scenes.
J is for Jesus - This one was weird. Torture scenes seemed good but main monster was lame.
*K is for Knell - Plot seemed a bit confusing but the effects were really amazing.
L is for Legacy - Bad all around. Confusing plot, bad acting and worse special effects.
*M is for Masticate - Effects were OK, but editing and pace were good.
N is for Nexus - Weak plot and effects.
O is for Ochlocracy - Interesting idea but weak execution.
P is for P-P-P-P SCARY! - Dumb, just dumb and not creepy.
Q is for Questionnaire - Good idea but looked cheesy at the end.
R is for Roulette - Acting wasn't bad but the very end seemed very stupid.
S is for Split - Pretty good plot and camera se but fell short with the acting and effects.
T is for Torture Porn - Just bad all around.
U is for Utopia - Gattaca poorly made.
*V is for Vacation - Entertaining but effects were lame and characters lacked substance.
*W is for Wish - The over-the-top use of puppets and toy sets made this original and entertaining.
*X is for Xylophone - Small idea incredibly dramatized. Good effects but poor acting by the parents.
*Y is for Youth - Pretty good plot and effects were so bizarre it made it enjoyable.
**Z is for Zygote - The effects in this were SO gorey and the plot so weird that it was my favorite.

I enjoyed Zygote so much that below is the short:

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