Monday, October 19, 2015

31 Days of 31 Horror Movies for Halloween: Day 19 - Short Horror Films

In order to spice it up and keep myself interested in this project, I decided to watch some horror shorts on Youtube. You can watch them all below. My 2 cents on each one are also here.

2012 Mama - Creepy as hell. A short by Guillermo del Toro that inspired the full length movie a year later. Of course this is the best short of the bunch. Creepy style, great acting and editing. I will watch the full length this month.

2014 Skypemare - Good editing, lots of boobs, so-so story, good ending. This short starts out almost like "Smiley". It is a Skype chat that turns into someone trying to kill the person on the other end of the chat. However, the ending makes this entertaining enough to watch all the way through.

2013 Scrambled - Award winning?! Really? So-so plot, so-so acting. Horrendous camera movement.
This film had an interesting plot. Instead of a tooth fairy, let's make up a blood fairy. Oooooo! Yeah, lame. The camera movement in this alone made me not want to watch all the way through, but it was...ok. Camera seems like it's found footage from all the motion, but it's not a found footage film. The main character seems to make really stupid decisions for himself and is confusing. Nothing is really explained and nothing really happens.

2013 Charlie - Dumb, just some guy in his house the whole time.
Really, that's all this was. Some guy in his house being haunted by some spirit. No explanation no plot, no other real narrative or dialogue. Charlie looked like the Joker and the fades were really long. So long I thought the movie ended three times.

2013 - Victim (Based on Slender Man) - Dumb, boring.
Like Charlie, absolutely nothing happens in this short film. It is some dude getting haunted by The Slender Man. That's it. Different scenery, same dude with same awful acting.

2014 - Cynthia - Terrible. For starters, the sound engineering is awful. Someone just downloaded a crappy editing program and thought it'd be good to make some scary echoes with it. Also, test the levels so your video audio matches the effects put in afterwards. I've heard of less is more, but more sounds would have actually set the atmosphere instead of the horribly acting main character saying, literally how he was feeling and thinking. Why is the ghost mad about her husband cheating? Why does the husband kill her? The plot is just messy and confusing. There is a random white-faced something that has no explanation. There are plots that can get away with being artsy and broad, but this was just idea after bad idea put into a big pot and edited together to create whatever the hell this was.

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