Friday, October 30, 2015

31 Days of 31 Horror Movies for Halloween: Day 30 - Evil Twin

Day 30: Evil Twin
Via: Amazon Prime
Release Date - 2007

Synopsis: Evil Twin is a 2007 South Korean horror film. When an accident claims the life of a young girl, Hyo-jin. Her twin sister, So-yeon fell into a coma and awakens 10 years later.

SPOILER ALERT - If you have not seen the movie do not read.

Asian horror films are always so well made. Right off the bat this reminded me of "A Tale of Two Sisters", another South Korean film that has a good plot but even better timing, editing and acting. Evil Twin is basically that, the story of an evil twin. Like most Asian horror flicks based on ghosts, the spirit at hand is seeking revenge upon someone. Hauntings and murders occur because the spirit is unhappy, there is something unresolved, something that needs closure. So I can't really explain the whole plot in detail because the one thing that kept me from truly enjoying this film was also the most important aspect of the storyline. The subtitles. The subtitles are so bad that I had to pause and guess what they were trying to say. The basic storyline goes like this: There is a young girl who after an accident, cannot recall anything regarding that traumatic event. She gets hints here and there when tragedies begin to occur in her village. As more tragedies occur and the plot of her relationship between her and her deceased twin sister come to light, the more villagers blame her for the ongoing deaths.

SPOILER ALERT - Why the spirit is mad:

We learn that the deceased twin sister is the spirit haunting the victims and she will not rest until she gets satisfaction. But what happened? Well, when the twin sisters were young, they had some sort of incident when they both happen to fall into a lake. Their mother, the only one around with them when this occurred, was not strong enough to save them both, so she had to choose. Simple plot but great execution on setting the mood and creating an atmosphere that displayed chaos, anxiety, fear, sadness and hope.

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