Friday, October 23, 2015

31 Days of 31 Horror Movies for Halloween: Day 23 - Housebound

Day 23:  Housebound
Via: Netflix
Release Date - 2014

Synopsis: A would-be thief (Morgana O'Reilly) is remanded to the custody of her estranged mother (Rima Te Wiata), who turns out to be correct in her assertion that evil spirits are afoot in their family domicile.

SPOILER ALERT - If you have not seen the movie do not read.

At first it appeared like this was going to be the same ol' haunted house movie. A household falling prey to various spirits whose origins are later explained. It seemed even more predictable when a cop joins the plot and pretty savvy regarding the paranormal. So, let's dive in and explain why it wasn't your typical haunted house movie.

Kylie, Eugene, Amos and Dennis are really the only names you will need to know. Kylie, our main character, is introduced by botching a burglary of an ATM. Her punishment is to be on house arrest for a period of time. While there, she seems to get on her mom's nerves which leads to various altercations. While learning more details about Kylie's relationship with her mom and stepdad, we also start to see hints of paranormal activity happening in the house. Kylie's probation officer, Amos, is called in when an incident triggers her ankle bracelet. As Amos searches the premises,  Kylie and her mother notify him about ongoing paranormal activity. Amos is somehow a bit of an expert regarding the matter and he quickly helps the family out.

Dennis, Kylie's counselor, is introduced and he is the only one not phased by the paranormal stories from the family. He believes Kylie has a mental disorder that is causing her to create these wild stories about apparitions. As the film continues, we find the origins of the house was a place for mentally troubled teens who were mysteriously murdered. The place shut down and the murders were never solved. Ok, so the neighbor is a suspect, then we really find out who Eugene is and the origins of Dennis. I actually won't give away the ending because it's good. The film keeps you guessing for a bit.

Ok, so this film was entertaining for various reasons. It is cheeky and funny at times so it doesn't take itself too seriously. However, there are some really good jump scare parts and other scenes that turn out to be really creepy. The effects are fun and overall the plot was not predictable. The final kill scene was hilarious and bloody. Acting was good and cinematography and editing made the whole film very enjoyable. The bear image is actually of one of the creepiest scenes in the whole film.

I have 8 days left and I am pretty happy to be getting close to the end. This has been a good project but very exhausting at times.

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